St.Fons June 5th, 2010 Quick Results

By Mike LNg

Another busy night for Team Nasser K and it looks like Fabio Pinca again did not disappoint.

St.Fons lineup

Elouissi Nabil (Team Nasser K) vs Usoyan Temo (Team Domingos)

Winner: Nabil Elouissi, apparently Usoyan did not answer the bell for the 3rd round.

Ayaydin Yuksel (Team Nasser K) vs.Danilencu Lucian (Team BARBUTO)

Winner: Yuksel Ayaydin points

Bennou Karim (Team Nasser K) vs. Xavier Bastard (Team Cobra)

Winner: Karim Bennou by referee stoppage due to injury R3

Penda Abderahmane (Team Nasser K) vs. Rahaoui Mohamed (Friends Gym bruxelles)

Winner: Mohamed Rahaoui points

Mabel Abdallah (Team Nasser K) vs. Walid Haddad (training academy)

Winner: Abdallah Mabel by TKO injury R1

Yohan Lidon (France) vs. Diesel Lek (Thailand)

Winner: Yohan Lidon points

Fabio Pinca (France) vs. Singnamee Srisompong Sor (Thailand)

Winner: Fabio Pinca points

[tweetmeme source=”st-fons-june-5th-2010-quick-results/]

~ by fatsoking on June 6, 2010.

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