Thai Fights at the Tower

By Mike LNg

Thai Fights at the Tower

K-Star gyms of the United Kingdom (UK) brings this card which has been anticipated for some time. Jonno Chipchase who recently won the Backstreet Brawlers European title, will fight K-Star’s Carl Copestake in Birmingham on Sunday 28th November. Though Carl Copestake who recently lost to John Dennis has in the past beaten some name UK fighters including Thomas McCormick, Mark Brown, Saab Singh. Depesh, Ross George. The card is still at this point being completed. Its not known yet whether any International Kickboxing Federation (IKF) titles are being staked though apparently IKF will bring their independent sanctioning arm for this event.

Known fights of the card thus far are:
Jonno Chipchase, (MFA) Vs. Carl Copestake (K-Star)

Sam Omomobge, (Liam’s gym) Vs. Ryan Lowney, Pythons

Kieon Fredricks, (East London) Vs. Barry Mountfort, (K-Star)

Matt Butcher, (Phraya Pichai) Vs. Nathan Epps (K-Star)

Adam Armstrong, Super Gym Vs. Kieran Fortune,(K-Star)

Chirayute Steele, (Stoke) V Shayan Mohammed, K-Star

Tom Holland(Thaitans) Vs. Trev Walker (Phraya Pichai)

Sophie Hutchins (Thaitans) Vs. Emma Pennington (Mersyside Kickboxing)

Charlie Brough (Thaitans) Vs. Joe Godden (Banbury)

Oli Osbourne (Evolution) Vs. Rich Mullings (K-Star)

The fights are set to take place at the Tower Ballroom at 5:00 pm , Birmingham B16 9EE.

Tickets are on sale now £25, call 0121 331 4074 or visit the K-Star site for more information.

~ by fatsoking on November 16, 2010.

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